Thursday 29 October 2015

New rehearsals

We're having 6 weeks working full time towards a preview in November. Never practiced so much music (instead of working on all that technical issues that had to be solved). Great fun, hard work and an incredible crew!

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Talk med Matt Nolan

Idag fortæller vores samarbejdspartner Matt Nolan om cymbaler og hemmelighederne bag om hvordan man laver dem!

Friday 20 February 2015

New Lab

We have started our new laboratory period, trying out new instruments and new aquariums. Including the custom invented Rotacorda and Crystallophone by Andy Cavatorta, coming soon!
Here are some pics from experiments with our new percussionist and fifth member Dea

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Our new instrument, the Rotacorda, coming together. Does this look beatutiful, or what?
It's being built by Andy Cavatorta, New York

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Andy Cavatorta is working on our new instrument, the Rotacorda. The strings are played with a rosin wheel instead of with a bow. Here are some draft drawings. Isn't she beautiful?

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Bisballe Award 2014

Laila Skovmand has just been awarded with the Bisballe Award 2014, given to artists with strong innovative expression that deserves greater recognition.

The Award will be received at Hotel ProForma January 25 at 5pm by Jens Bisballe and the Award committees: Kirsten Dehlholm, Bjørn Nørgaard, Fuzzy,  Poul Nesgaard, Erik Skyum-Nielsen and Kjeld Vindum